
L.I.G.H.T. (Letting. In. Gods. Holy. Touch.)

“…And I pray that the eyes of your heart may be flooded with light by the Holy Spirit,  so that you will know and cherish the hope to which he has called you.” (Ephesians 1:18 AMP)

In the natural realm, a flood is powerful force.  A large automobile can be forcefully swept away with just 24 inches of rushing water. In the spiritual realm, the imagery is stunning as God’s grace vigorously sweeps away anything standing in the way of the hope to which He has called us.

He floods our heart with light, to clear the path to freedom.

Without the radiance of Christ’s Light, we cannot see our own sin. As King David passionately cried out in Psalm 19, “How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart? Who can discern his own errors?”

When God shines the floodlight of truth on our darkest parts, we become aware of what needs to be swept from our lives. This holy awareness is the precursor to miraculous life change.

As a fallen creation, we need light and truth to circumcise our hearts. “Circumcise your heart, so you will no longer be stubborn and rebellious.” (Deuteronomy 10:16). Like a doctor performing surgery who has a light fastened to his head in order to see his precise cutting away of flesh, so too our Great Physician shines His light, cutting away our sin from its stony four-chambered muscle,  giving us, instead, a tender and responsive heart.

Oh Lord, shine your light of truth on any secret sin that holds me back or keeps me captive. Light the way to freedom, just as You are the bright and Morning Star, You are the Light of the world. There is no darkness found in You. Those who look to you are radiant and their faces are never covered in shame. You oh Lord, are the lifter of my head; your word is a lamp to my feet and a light unto my path. Your light changes me. It cleanses me. It purifies me.

Oh that we would seek Your face, so that our faces would shine like Moses’ each time he entered Your presence.  Allowing Your love-light to shine through us, bringing joy to a hope-starved world. “Each time Moses met with God, the Israelites would see his face, and how his skin shone with a unique radiance.” (Exodus 34:34-35).

Reverence radiates Christ’s glory.

Father, where there are dry bones, send a flood. Where there is a drought-stricken heart, let the outpouring of Your Spirit be a cascading waterfall of light.

Oh Lord, that we would fan the flames of heaven and spread your love like wildfire in a dark and weary land. That we would be the kind of people who spread the light of the gospel into the darkest of places, illuminating every nook and cranny of every hardened heart. You cleanse us from darkness in the light of Your presence, as we cry out, “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” (Ephesians 5:14)

“You Lord keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.”( Psalm 18:28)

Be magnified oh Lord, as we shine for You.

Shelli Strickland

Shelli Strickland is the founder of the Graced for More ministry in Orlando, Florida. She has transformed her personal history into a faith charged journey to help others. Shelli encourages those in search of hope, letting them know they are never alone no matter how dark the situation turns. God is always by your side. 

Shelli enjoys walking on the beach, listening to the waves crash on the sand, and marveling at beautiful sunsets. Laughing with her family is one of her favorite moments in life. Passionate in all she does, Shelli spends much time with her husband, their two children, and their dogs. Nothing fuels her day more than good conversations with friends over a strong cup of coffee. A devoted servant of God, Shelli believes Jesus can bring beauty from ashes in all of us.


