Love Letters

40 Devotionals for a Child of God

I can still smell the dismal valley, with its endless twists and daunting turns.

Our wilderness seasons can leave us limping, carrying evidence of tender scars. But it’s here, in the valley of despair, that God sustained me with the sound of His Voice.

Love Letters is how the Lord brought me through the valley of the shadow of death. You don’t have to be physically dying to know deep pain. Loss is loss. But, Jesus. He walks with us through our bleakest times.

If you’re like me, the valley is quiet, which gives His voice power and priority. When I needed God the most, He faithfully showed up for me without fail. Some days He was my Provider, other days He was my Friend. Sometimes I needed Him to be my Refuge, other times, my Sanctuary. Some days He showed up as my Compass, leading me to do the next right thing. No matter the pain, He continually reassured me He was my Father, and I was His child.

Love Letters is How I experienced the Lord in the wilderness and how His love was enough to get me through.

I pray as you read each letter you will hear the kindness of a Father comforting His child.

You are His beloved.