Holy Exchange

Freedom doesn’t come without sacrifice.

Scripture echoes this truth as we look at the life of Jesus. Our savior gave His life as a ransom for many, by purchasing our freedom with His precious blood.

Jesus, laying down His life for us, was His part in God’s redemptive plan…but what is our part? When God created the world, He didn’t make puppets to manipulate and force His will upon. He gave us free will and the option to choose to follow Him, or not. His way will always lead to abundance, blessing, favor, and thankfully, freedom! It’s hard to imagine not choosing freedom, when someone offers it so graciously to you.

I can’t help but ponder this holy exchange as I consider Moses leading the Israelite’s out of slavery, and out from under the oppression of Pharaoh’s captive thumb. I’ve always loved a good rescue mission! I treasure the accounts and miracle moments the Israelite’s experienced while following their fearless leader through the desert.

They followed him for forty years, longing to get to the Promise Land, the land God was freely giving them, as rightful heirs of Abraham.  Picture a gorgeous place, with ripe figs, mouthwatering grapes, winding rivers, and incredible vineyards. I bet they could hardly wait to see this promise fulfilled, and finally be out of the never ending, character-building, wilderness.

I don’t think it dawned on the Israelite’s yet, that freedom isn’t free.

In order to receive the salvation Calvary’s Cross paid for me, I have to believe by faith and confess with my mouth that Jesus is who He says He is. And sadly, for some people, trust is too high a price for freedom.

It was going to take a strong crew to make it into the Promise Land. God was leading them to milk and honey, but they were going to have to fight for it. Which begs the question, am I willing to fight for my freedom? You see, the Israelites were never fully free while they were in the wilderness. Even though they left Pharaoh in the dust of the red sea, they still weren’t home. They were living in the in- between-space, we all must cross through, in order to get to the other side of our captivity. They were stuck between slavery and freedom. Sorrowfully, I think a lot of us stay in this place. One foot in the promise land, and one foot out. We can be afraid to push through the borders and take possession of what’s rightfully ours. If they would have relied on God, rather than fighting against Him, history would tell a different story. An entire generation of Israelites died in the wilderness before they ever even laid eyes on the promise land. God, in His wisdom,  wanted to train up a people of fortitude, resilience, courage, and faith; but they quit before the miracle happened. Sometimes, (most times) if God just gives us what we want, we’re tempted to not appreciate it as much, as if we had to work for it. We take it for granted. We think we deserve it, and become entitled. He knew their hearts… just like he knows mine and yours.

When the next generation finally had the courage to cross over the river separating the wilderness from the Promise Land, God faithfully went before them and prepared the way. He blessed their faithful obedience by giving the enemies into their hands. The Lord was with them on their conquest to take the land, but make no mistake, they battled for it! It took seven years for the Israelites to conquer 31 kingdoms. Over and over they fought city after city for their rightful place of inheritance. 

What if they hadn’t been willing to fight? What if they would have balked at God’s plan and simply rested on their laurels?  They would have died in the wilderness like the generation before them, or worse, gone back to Egypt. They knew God was fighting for them, but they had to do their part.

I love this about God! If He did everything for me, I would be a lazy, gluttonous, entitled, king baby!

Have you ever known someone who wants to be free of something, but they aren’t willing to do what it takes to be liberated? Amazing isn’t it? We’re willing to forfeit the promise land, for the comfort of captivity. We believe the lie, that it’s easier to stay in bondage than it is to do the work required in order to break free. We cry out for deliverance when what we really need is obedience.

Freedom will always cost us something, the question is, are we willing to make the sacrifice it takes, in order to grab hold of it? It may cost us an attitude adjustment, a surrendering of our will, the death of a recurring sin. Freedom will demand we lay down our idols and follow the One True God, crucifying our flesh and obeying His commands. God wanted to bless His wilderness wanderers, the same way He wants to bless us…sadly, only some of will never cross the river.

God has a promise land-plan for each of us, but it requires faith, obedience, perseverance, and trust to receive it.

Oh, that we would be a generation who doesn’t quit before we see the promise fulfilled! God help us when we think Egypt sounds easier than fighting for Canaan .  The other side of our wandering hearts is where God’s favor will be. He longs for us to cross the threshold, and enter the land of glorious freedom.

Shelli Strickland

Shelli Strickland is the founder of the Graced for More ministry in Orlando, Florida. She has transformed her personal history into a faith charged journey to help others. Shelli encourages those in search of hope, letting them know they are never alone no matter how dark the situation turns. God is always by your side. 

Shelli enjoys walking on the beach, listening to the waves crash on the sand, and marveling at beautiful sunsets. Laughing with her family is one of her favorite moments in life. Passionate in all she does, Shelli spends much time with her husband, their two children, and their dogs. Nothing fuels her day more than good conversations with friends over a strong cup of coffee. A devoted servant of God, Shelli believes Jesus can bring beauty from ashes in all of us.


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