Titus 2

The beautiful art of loving faithfully is seen in the subtle, humble acts of service that only a true Jesus follower knows and recognizes. To the outside world it can look burdensome, even self-abasing; but to a disciple of Christ, one who sows in the daily details of threading the needle of humility, there is simply no better way to live than this. To love in action is to be rid of self completely. Forsaking pride and leaving ego at the door, dying to self is the only entry across the threshold of glory. Who lives like this? Who conducts their life like the Titus 2 woman in scripture who seems so obsolete...the one who teaches the younger generation what it looks like to serve and not be served? These faithful women, the gems of their generation, are rare indeed...but if you’re blessed to have one in your midst...hold on tight, her faith is priceless.

I’m blessed to have a mother-in-law who loves the Lord with all her heart, soul, strength, and mind. She teaches me without knowing, dropping seeds of faith unintentionally in her wake, as she goes about her day to day. She humbly serves the Lord, without seeking glory or recognition for herself. She lives the dying art of quietly taking up her cross, and humbly serving her family. She moves in memorized sequence across her farm-house kitchen, to roll out another batch of biscuits for her household or rinse another soapy dish under her well-pumped-sink-water.

She is the quintessential Proverbs 31 woman in every sense of the word: yet this generation is seemingly blind to notice her holy touch. The truth is, I never really noticed either, until the Lord opened my heart to see the daily manna she was collecting, as she was graciously giving herself away. Something in me shifted once I began seeking the kind of peace and joy she had. The kind of peace that doesn’t come and go or rise and fall from “likes,” or living for applause. Her peace is found in her grandchildren’s sparkling eyes, as she pulls her infamous chocolate cake from her never-ending oven. She doesn’t need a camera filter to change the color of marshmallow goodness oozing down the side; It’s pure, genuine sweetness, nothing artificial about it. These are the moments she lives for, because she knows the gift of grace is on her life. She can taste the goodness of God as she cares for the one’s entrusted to her.

She leads with stealthy humility, the best kind really. Quiet, gentle, existing but not shouting. Her careful handwriting can be seen from her antique dresser mirror, with the Scripture from 2 Corinthians 3:4-5 written in perfect cursive, taped to remind her, her confidence comes from the Lord. The same dresser which holds her pearls and other timeless heirlooms, holds the promise of her Fathers Word, purposely written out on a 3x5 card. And I smile to myself, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt, I am in the lineage of a familial blessing, for a thousand generations. I’ve knelt beside the bed of my children, with this Titus 2 woman of faith, listening as she prayed, tears sliding silently down the apples of my cheeks, grateful for her voice of wisdom speaking over her grandchildren’s lives.

incalculable affection washes over me while watching her fingers stroke the old ivory keys as she plays “Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound,” and a choir of voices ring out from the pews behind her; and mine is one of them...as I hold the hymnal in my hands and behold the sheer beauty of this sacred moment. Grace notes rise in liquid prayers of silent “Hallelujahs” to my God who brought me down this path. This old dirt road became my home and a Godly legacy my own. Her life has led me quietly to the heart of our Father because Christ’s beauty is so attractive, and the gospel is compelling when it’s lived out in humble living.

I watch her humbly care for the husband of her youth and follow her gaze to meet his eyes. Does he need anything? Is he hungry? She helps him up, she leads him down the hall. She bathes him,

shaves him, and reads God’s Word to him. And he prays for her, and our daily bread, as we bow before each meal; “Our most gracious heavenly Father...” He softly begins.

This is their legacy. It’s kind and simple. Consistent and faithful. No one would be any of the wiser if they didn’t know what they were watching; the gospel in action. Daily, bread-breaking, Christ centered, humble living. This is worth more than gold. This is how Christ loves His Bride: kind, caring, tender, gentle...humble.

This is indeed what Eugene Peterson was referring to when he coined the phrase, “A long obedience in the same direction.” One day at a time sanctification, sowing the seeds of love, giving way to a life of holy humility. This is a person worth following, and they undoubtedly won’t have a blue check mark after their name. The Spirit in her life is the only thing necessary for Godly contentment. She knows deep down what the world doesn’t, a priceless joy that only comes from walking with the Lord. Knowing the One who will one day welcome her into His arms and utter the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

“A wife of noble character, who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.” (Proverbs 31:10)


The Gospel changes everything

