Holy Transactions

 I think there is a beautiful, holy transaction that silently takes place in the heavenlies when we confess our powerlessness over situations and circumstances to our Heavenly Father. When we humbly cry out to the God of creation and muster the words, “Lord, I feel so helpless in this moment, how has a once united nation, strayed so far from You?” I sadly ponder the lack of respect, lack of humanity, lack of dignity, and such an utter lack of  kindness among His people. I quietly contemplate the declining of a God-fearing society right before my very eyes, as “breaking news” flashes across my screen, and unimaginable images ignite a grieving spirit within my bones. The Lord gently whispers to my spirit, “How did you once find me?” And my heart bows in silent gratitude to the Sovereignty of His Wisdom, as He reminds me, it was my own personal powerlessness that once led me straight into His healing arms. Once again, that same truth applies, until we come to the end of ourselves, we will never admit we are unable to live at peace, and maintain a lack of chaos, without His holy hand leading us through life.

Sometimes reaching bottom, is not only the Sovereign Will of God, but tender mercy from the One who holds the world in the Palm of His Loving Hands. He graciously gives us a chance to repent, to change directions, to right the ship. The question is, will we take it? Will we take hold of the gift of powerlessness our savior is offering to us, or will we keep trying, in futility, to make up our own rules? Since the dawn of time, we know pride is the destruction of man, and yet, we keep trading the truth for a lie. God knows our need for a deep heart change, and sometimes that requires Him leading us to a place where we are humble enough to ask for His guidance out of the pit. Powerlessness is a vessel of grace…if we want it to be. The pit of destruction can lead to transformative peace.

Nothing ever comes as a surprise to Him. He knew we would be here, watching these events unfold. Painfully watching the fabric tear away at His provision, as we, as a nation, place ourselves above the one who created the very place we live. Its shocking really, but justification, and humanity following their own insatiable appetites is nothing new under the sun. Unfortunately, God has been dealing with stiff necked people since the beginning of time, each generation wanting to either serve a lesser god, or be God.

There is an answer though, we do not grieve as a people without hope. As believers, our insight doesn’t come from the nightly news, or our negative news feeds, no, we have a much greater source. Our destiny is the Good News, the good news of the gospel of peace.  As long as we have breath, we have hope. I know I cannot control the actions of the foolish, but I can control how I respond to the depravity all around me. The answer will always be found in His Word. The truth will always push back the dark, even if I’m the only one standing on it. I can’t make other people play by God’s rules, but as for me and my house? We will obey His calling to stay faithful, until the very moment He calls us home. We will fight the good fight, beginning with our own surrendered hearts, as we pray together as a family and declare that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We will write His laws on our hearts and bind them around our necks. We will equip our children with God’s promises, and fearlessly raise up the next generation, to know they are in the exact place, and time in history He chose for them to be. He has called them to be salt and light, and shine, for such a time as this.

I pray we will see a God-less world, come to the end of themselves, and confess their own powerlessness, bringing them back to God, in turn, ushering in His grace. But to fearfully fret about their decisions is futile, so I will use all the energy I have, to do what I’ve been called to do by God: stay faithful, pray fervently, fast for our nations heart change, and follow Jesus.

I pray the following scripture will bring encouragement to you, as it did to me. My powerlessness, is the very vehicle God rides in on to reveal His awesome power and place it on full display. In the words of the prophet Isaiah, I am preaching this to my own heart, and my kids’ hearts, daily:

“God put me to work from the day I was born. The moment I entered the world he named me. He gave me speech that would cut and penetrate. He kept his hand on me to protect me. He said to me, ‘You’re my dear servant, (Shelli, Olivia, Noah, and David), through whom I will shine.’” (Isaiah 49:1-3)

Shelli Strickland

Shelli Strickland is the founder of the Graced for More ministry in Orlando, Florida. She has transformed her personal history into a faith charged journey to help others. Shelli encourages those in search of hope, letting them know they are never alone no matter how dark the situation turns. God is always by your side. 

Shelli enjoys walking on the beach, listening to the waves crash on the sand, and marveling at beautiful sunsets. Laughing with her family is one of her favorite moments in life. Passionate in all she does, Shelli spends much time with her husband, their two children, and their dogs. Nothing fuels her day more than good conversations with friends over a strong cup of coffee. A devoted servant of God, Shelli believes Jesus can bring beauty from ashes in all of us.


Open Eyes

